The "brand & packaging" planning organization of the three people's Bank focuses on the research and exploration of brand & packaging visual hammer from an international perspective, and actively promotes the leapfrog growth of brand ecological coexistence system based on the brand concept of "positioning language is nail, vision is hammer" in effective marketing.
Founded in 2001, under the leadership of Pan Wenlong, a famous international designer, adhering to the "new breakthrough" concept of brand & packaging visual hammer and positioning strategy, Mr. Zhiyi has gradually formed an international position of brand positioning strategy and packaging strategy, providing enterprises with an integrated solution of brand positioning and packaging positioning suitable for the Chinese market.
As one of China's top 100 design enterprises, in the era of internationalization of Chinese enterprises, the three people's Bank has constantly integrated into the Western designer team (such as French, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and other international designers). This is the source power of our continuous exploration and progress, helping entrepreneurs with dreams to jointly build a brand kingdom. Three experts and your enterprise to create - positioning strategy vision hammer!